
Math Detectives is a program to promote basic mathematical skills in preschool. It has 2006 a pilot project. We run the program every two school years in a kindergarten through.

In the school year 2015/16 we are in kindergarten Obereisenbach active in and in kindergarten Krumbach.

The project leaders are Mrs. Anders and Ms. Lau, Special school teachers at the school Tettnang Uhland.


All pre-school children in a daycare


  • Acquisition of mathematical skills
  • Achieve a positive attitude to mathematical situations
  • Knowledge, that mathematics is ubiquitous in everyday life
  • Develop mathematics through independent thinking and trying out


  • active – discovery learning
  • integrated suite:
    Learning with music, Movement, Games and experiments
  • age-appropriate approach to mathematics:
    from concrete to abstract


  • Diagnosis
  • Small groups with a maximum. 8 Children
  • 45 Minutes / Week

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